Still Learning To See

The moon

I’ve written before about how elusive the moon can be, or, more accurately, about how challenging it is for me to find what is plainly in exactly the right spot every single night (and day).

Mark Gee Full Moon

My friend and photo buddy, Rob, sent me a link to a fabulous video (in real-time!) made in Australia of the full moon rising. Even though I’d seen it several times, I enjoyed watching it again as I wrote this entry today. For more on how it was made—including his “failures”—see the website of the photographer, Mark Gee. It is interesting to note that it rises in a direction (right to left) opposite of how the moon rises here in Vermont!

I’m delighted when young children see the moon; just this weekend  2-year old Reese looked out the window and said “moon,” one of only, maybe, a few hundred words she uses! My sister was equally delighted when her young grandson used the term “waxing gibbous moon,” causing her to immediately go to the dictionary!

I often resort to using a wonderful (free!) program, Stellarium, to help determine where the moon (and other celestial bodies) should be visible. And, of course, the moon tables tell me the phase as well as the time it will rise and set. And then I have only to actually find the moon!

I had great fun a few weeks ago “chasing” the moon in and out of morning clouds. The light was perfect for photographing both simultaneously—not always the case with a the high contrast of a moon at night or the low contrast of it in the daytime.

A short while later the clouds had given way to a blue sky and the moon prepared to make its way through the trees and set.


I’ll enjoy looking for the next full moon just a week away now (2/25) and, between now and then, following the moon night and day as it “fills.”

This entry was published on February 18, 2013 at 12:26 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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